Top 10k strings from Invincible Island - Hints (1983)(Richard Shepherd Software).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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1 Invicible0 1 ;"The Chest- find a liquid cure for the venom and look carefully afterwards" 1 ;"Press any key to load": 1 ;"Press any key to continue": 1 "The pits- Find the right one (some stones might help)" 1 "The natives- be generous!!" 1 "The mountains- keep well wrapped up" 1 "The island- Find the dinghy" 1 "The forest- follow the path andkeep your cool (south at end of path)" 1 "The final puzzle you will have to work out for yourself" 1 "The caves- Take the canary and a torch (beware-its a one way trip)" 1 "The bridge- Watch your weight" 1 "Invincible Island Hints" 1 "Invicible1"